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#102 : La morsure du passé

Condamné à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité pour le meurtre de sa femme, Lee Jay Spalding est libéré de prison après 25 ans passés à clamer son innocence. Un seul homme le sait coupable : Mick St John. A l’époque, il avait révélé sa vraie nature à Lee Jay en essayant de le tuer. Ce dernier maintenant en liberté va tout faire pour se venger.


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Out of the Past

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La morsure du passé

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8mm - Forever And Ever Amen (Fin de l'histoire avec Lee Jay (Lt Carl Davis/ Julia/ Beth) + Dernière scène (Mick/Beth)

8mm - Forever And Ever Amen (Fin de l'histoire avec Lee Jay (Lt Carl Davis/ Julia/ Beth) + Dernière scène (Mick/Beth)


Hungry Like a Wolf - Duran Duran (Flash Back de Mick)

Hungry Like a Wolf - Duran Duran (Flash Back de Mick)


Photos promo

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles) & Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles) & Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin)


Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Vendredi 05.10.2007 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par: David Greenwalt
Réalisé par: Fred Toye

Captures de l'épisode

Josh Wingate ………………………… Lee Jay Spalding à 20 ans
David Fabrizio ………………………… Lee Jay Spalding à 40 ans
Lawrence A. Mandley ………………………… Det.Bobby Desmond à 40 ans
Hal Williams ………………………… Det. Bobby Desmond à 70 ans
Lisa Sheridan ………………………… Julia Stephens
Rachel Kimsey ………………………… Eileen Hannigan
Brian Oerly ………………………… Cam
Jordan Belfi ………………………… Josh Lindsey
Jon Jon Briones ………………………… Party Goer
Catherine Kresge ………………………… Reporter #1
Kevin T. McCarthy ………………………… Reporter #2
Cosimo Canale ………………………… Ricardo

Out of the Past 

Mick Saint-John est devenu détective privé pour aider les gens.

Il en fait une revanche pour ce qu’il est devenu et qu’il ne supporte pas. Il s’est fixé des limites, des règles. Son ami Josef a une philosophie différente mais il sait que Mick s’est donné une morale et des scrupules, il pense que c’est bien. 

Mick a accepté une affaire il y a 22 ans, qui a changé sa vie. Une jeune femme l’a supplié de retrouver sa petite fille qui venait d’être kidnappée. Il l’avait retrouvée : son ex-femme, Coraline l’avait enlevée pour former une vraie famille tous les trois. Bien décidé à ce qu’elle ne puisse faire de mal à la petite, il avait été obligé de tuer Coraline pour sauver l’enfant. Il avait vu Coraline dans sa maison au milieu des flammes. 

Puis pendant ces 22 ans, il avait veillé sur elle de loin, jusqu’au jour de leur rencontre pour l’affaire de l’assassinat d’une étudiante que Beth Turner couvrait en qualité de journaliste sur le net pour Buzzwire. La tenir dans ses bras lui avait fait sentir que ça pourrait marcher entre eux. Mais les «monstres» ne connaissent jamais de vie heureuse. 

- - - - - - - - - - - -  - 

Un homme, Lee Jay Spalding est remis en liberté après avoir passé 25 ans en prison pour un crime qu’il nie avoir commis. Il a été condamné pour le meurtre de sa femme mais de nouvelles preuves démontrent qu’il s’agirait plutôt d’un suicide. 

Sur le net, Beth Turner s’adresse à l’une de ses amies, Julia Stevens, journaliste de presse et auteur de la biographie qu’elle a écrite sur Lee Jay Spalding «Le mauvais coupable». Julia Stevens affirme que Spalding est innocent du crime dont il a été accusé. Mick et Josef regardent le reportage sur le net, Mick est déçu par ce qu’il appelle «la stupidité des humains». Josef lui rappelle qu’il en a été un, un jour. 

Julia Stevens a côtoyé Spalding 2 ans en prison pour écrire son ouvrage et elle estime qu’il peut vraiment être un modèle pour tous, car il ne garde aucune rancœur après 25 ans pour l’homme qui l’a arrêté par erreur.  

Mick est contrarié de cette libération, Josef lui fait remarquer que quoi que Lee Jay ait fait ce n’était pas sa faute. Pourtant Mick considère qu’il est lui-même coupable et pour Josef qui n’était pas là, il relate les faits qui se sont déroulés à Los Angeles en 1983 coûtant la vie à une femme. Il avait été appelé par la police en pleine nuit pour reconnaître l’une de ses clientes, retrouvée morte dans sa voiture. Elle l’avait engagé pour la protéger. La victime semblait s’être tiré une balle dans la bouche, la police concluait à un suicide. Mick n’était pas d’accord et déclarait qu’il s’agissait d’un meurtre et qu’il connaissait l’assassin.  

Il avait rattrapé Lee Jay Spalding avec l’intention de le tuer. C’est en vampire qu’il l’a attaqué. Une sirène de police l’avait empêché de terminer le travail. Lee Jay sait donc ce qu’il est. Josef demande à Mick de le tuer car s’il venait à se prendre pour un « Van Helsing » leur communauté pourrait en être perturbée.  

Lee Jay sort de prison avec, dans son sac, une documentation conséquente sur les vampires. 

Beth fait un cauchemar, elle se revoit petite fille, dans les bras de Mick qui l’emporte loin de la maison de Coraline où la vampire se débat au milieu des flammes. Son compagnon, Josh Lindsey s’inquiète de l’entendre prononcer en dormant le nom de Mick mais se montre reconnaissant envers le détective qui l’a sauvée (cf. épisode 1.01). 

Chez Buzzwire, Julia Stevens fait l’éloge à Beth de Lee Jay Spalding qui est devenu sculpteur en prison, s’est impliqué dans un programme pour amener les délinquants à l’art ; d’après elle, des preuves ont été falsifiées par un détective privé qui l’a presque battu à mort : Mick Saint John, dont la photo figure dans son livre. Beth est étonnée car le Mick St John qu’elle connaît a une trentaine d’années alors que celui qui a été pris en photo il y a 25 ans semble avoir le même âge. 

Beth rend visite à Mick avec une bouteille de 25 ans d’âge pour le remercier de «l’avoir sauvée d’un sérial killer psychotique». Elle lui montre la photo dans le livre écrit par Julia stevens, d’un détective du nom de Mick St John. Il reconnaît la photo prise en 1950, avant qu’il ne devienne vampire alors que les films pouvaient encore capturer son image. Il se fait passer pour son père. Beth insiste en le questionnant sur le conflit que son père avait avec Lee Jay, Mick répond que ce dernier est l’un de ces détraqués qui ne peuvent s’empêcher de tuer. Il lui conseille de dire à son amie qu’elle se trompe et d’être prudente.  

Mick rend visite à un détective en retraite, Bobby Desmond, devenu aveugle, avec qui il travaillait sur l’affaire Lee Jay Spalding il y a 25 ans. Il ne peut donc pas voir que Mick n’a pas vieilli. Il lui fait écouter un enregistrement téléphonique par lequel Lee Jay lui pardonne de l’avoir arrêté et mis derrière les barreaux. Toutefois il est inquiet car il recommencera à tuer dès qu’il trouvera une femme pour jouer. Puis il donne à Mick le dossier monté à l’époque mais qui, faute de preuves, n’avait pas été exploité.  

Mick se rend à la soirée organisée pour la parution du livre de Julia Stevens. Il profite de l’affluence pour poser un capteur GPS sous la voiture de Julia. Puis il confie le rapport d’arrestation de Lee Jay à Beth pour qu’elle en prenne connaissance. Julia Stevens et Lee Jay les rejoignent. Beth le présente comme le fils de Mick St John.  Plus tard, Mick rejoint Lee Jay dans les toilettes. Il défie Mick qui lui affirme qu’il ne tuera plus personne. Lee Jay qui cachait un pieu en bois frappe Mick, ce qui le paralyse un instant. Lee Jay en profite pour casser une vitre avec sa tête et ensanglanté retourne dans la salle faisant croire qu’il a été attaqué par Mick. Il ne veut pas qu’on appelle la police et ne veut pas porter plainte mais demande à Mick de ne plus s’approcher de lui.

Dehors, Mick est rejoint par Beth qui ne veut pas croire qu’il n’a pas touché Lee Jay. Il lui réaffirme qu’il s’est fait mal tout seul. Beth ne sait plus quoi penser. 

Chez lui, Mick se souvient qu’Eileen Hannigan est venue le voir en 1983. Deuxième épouse de Lee Jay, maltraitée, elle avait obtenu une mesure d’éloignement mais son mari l’avait ignoré et l’avait frappée au visage. Il avait menacé de la tuer elle avait donc acheté un révolver. Mick lui avait déconseillé de le garder, s’était occupé de Lee Jay, pensant qu’une séance d’avertissement aurait suffi et que la violence réglait tout.

Mais au cours d’une réception chez Josef, Bobby Desmond l’avait appelé pour qu’il vienne reconnaître sa cliente découverte morte dans sa voiture, Mick savait que le meurtre avait été déguisé en suicide par Lee Jay Spalding. Il se reproche à nouveau de ne pas avoir réussi à éliminer l’assassin ce soir là. 

Chez Buzzwire, Beth fouille le passé de Mick mais ne retrouve aucune trace du père de celui-ci sur Internet. Elle décide d’aller interroger l’officier qui a arrêté Lee Jay, Bobby Desmond. Ce dernier lui avoue qu’il n’a jamais cru au suicide d’Eileen Hannigan. Puis répondant aux questions de Beth il lui apprend que Mick n’a jamais été marié et n’a jamais eu de fils. Il le connaît depuis plus de 35 ans et peut affirmer qu’il n’a jamais eu de fils, d’autre part, il l’a rencontré en vie et bien portant quelques jours auparavant, agacé par la libération de Lee Jay. Beth est de plus en plus effarée. 

Mick rentre chez lui et trouve Lee Jay installé à son bureau, des poches de sang à la main. Il l’avertit que plusieurs personnes sont au courant qu’il est venu faire la paix. Puis avec le révolver de Mick qu’il a découvert derrière le bureau, il se tire une balle dans l’épaule et appelle la police accusant Mick St John d’avoir voulu le tuer. Mick s’enfuit à l’arrivée des policiers, emportant toutes les poches de sang qu’il avait en réserve. Josef lui reproche d’avoir laissé Lee Jay vivant il y a 25 ans, il pense que Mick veut que la vérité apparaisse pour une certaine journaliste blonde (Beth). Josef lui demande de rester en dehors de cette affaire, mais Mick veut effacer le regret de n’avoir pas su mieux protéger Eileen. 

Beth et Josh Lindsey discutent de l’agression de Lee Jay par Mick, lorsque celui-ci vient sonner à leur porte. Il veut que Beth sache qu’il n’a pas tiré sur Lee Jay mais il ne peut pas avouer qu’il n’a pas attendu la police parce qu’il est un vampire ; il leur dit donc qu’il a paniqué. Josh étant procureur au bureau du District Attorney il ne peut accepter que Mick reste. Beth lui demande de regarder le rapport de police car elle croit que Mick dit la vérité.

Mick accepte que Beth, sur une caméra numérique, filme sa version des faits qui passera sur Internet. Julia Stevens attend Lee Jay à sa sortie d’hôpital. Une nuée de reporters se précipite à leur rencontre et questionne Lee Jay sur l’accusation de Mick portant sur le meurtre de ses deux épouses, maquillés en suicide. 

Dans l’appartement de Beth, ils regardent tous trois le reportage diffusé sur internet, lorsque Julia appelle Beth. Elle a été frappée par Lee Jay et séquestrée. Lee Jay demande que Mick se rende au poste de police le plus proche sinon Julia finira comme Eileen. Josh propose de contacter l’un de ses amis dans les affaires publiques qui pourrait publier une déclaration indiquant que Mick s’est rendu et qu’il est en garde à vue.

Pendant ce temps Mick repère la voiture de Julia grâce au GPS. Guidé par Beth, Mick fonce en voiture vers le lieu où est menacé Julia. Beth revient sur la phrase de Lee Jay par «Je sais ce que vous êtes» et lui demande de répondre sans esquive ou disparition. Mick s’en sort encore par «nous avons tous des secrets et ce n’est pas une esquive».

Enfin arrivés, Mick lui confie une arme avec pour consigne d’appeler la police s’il n’est pas sorti dans dix minutes et interdiction de quitter la voiture.

Grâce à ses facultés de vampire il peut escalader les murs et il se retrouve sur le toit en moins de temps qu’il ne fait pour le dire. Il repère l’atelier où est enfermée Julia et la libère. Mais Lee Jay attendait Mick avec des balles en argent et lui tire plusieurs fois dessus pendant que Julia s’enfuit . Entendant les coups de feu, Beth entre dans le hangar au moment où Lee Jay, armé d’un lance flammes menace Mick, paralysé par l’argent. Elle arrive à temps pour le protéger et tuer Lee Jay. 

Julia explique à la police que Lee Lay l’a kidnappée et que Mick l’a sauvée pendant que Beth avoue que c’est elle qui a tiré sur Lee Jay. 

Mick rentre chez lui blessé, affaibli et en manque de sang. Dans sa précipitation à se nourrir, il laisse sa porte ouverte pour absorber une poche de sang quand Beth arrive. Elle lui reproche d’avoir disparu à nouveau.

Elle s’approche et ne le reconnaît pas, il la supplie de partir et se cache. Mais comme elle insiste, il lui avoue alors qu’il est un vampire.

Désorientée elle s’en va.  
Ecrit par any04


THROUGH THE BARS, a prisoner is faintly visible in the back of the small cell, REVEALED now as a GUARD opens the heavy door with an ominous CLANG.

It's LEE JAY SPALDING, 46, hair cut military tight, heavily muscled. He's forged himself into a potent weapon over the past twenty years and the smile he flashes now does little to dispel his menace. He stands, exits the cell, bulging DUFFLE BAG over a shoulder.


Mick and Josef continue.

MICK A woman is dead because of me.

JOSEF A lot of women are dead because of me.

Off Mick's look...

JOSEF (CONT'D) Not lately.

Mick and Josef pass the bottle of blood back and forth between them like Tequila.

MICK When I caught up with Lee Jay, I was going to kill him. No question. He was a dead man. But I messed up.


CHYRON: 1983

A MAN (LEE JAY SPALDING at 20) throws a duffle bag into his Chevy Nova. In a hurry to hit the road.

Something is moving down the street. Fast. Too fast. And it's not a car. It's a man. Lee Jay looks up, amazed as hero, MICK ST. JOHN, is suddenly on him.

LEE JAY How did --?

MICK You killed her.

Lee Jay grabs a tire iron - swings it at Mick's head. Mick grabs the tire iron, holds it fiercely and, to Lee Jay's shock, bends it right out of Lee Jay's hand.

MICK (CONT'D) Tried to make it look like suicide.

Mick smashes him hard in the mouth, then goes FULL VAMP, scaring the crap out of Young Lee Jay.

LEE JAY My God! What are you!

Lee Jay fights for his life. No use. Off Lee Jay's horror as Mick leans in and BITES DOWN HARD on his face.

Then Mick looks up, blood dripping from his mouth as a bright LIGHT hits his face.

We sweep through the bullpen taking in the "it's always casual Friday", web-hipster vibe of the Buzzwire Offices. This is a 24 hour office, like a casino, time has no meaning.

BETH I know him, I mean... this can't be the same guy. The Mick I know is like thirty.

She hands him the bottle. He holds it awkwardly. As if not sure what to do with it.

BETH (CONT'D) I'm sorry. Do you not drink? I didn't know. I mean, that's fine, I just...

MICK No. I drink.

BETH Oh, ok. Good.

MICK Thanks. Really.


A man wearing a WELDING HELMET works with an ACETYLENE TORCH, cutting through a metal pipe. As the cut length of pipe clangs to the floor, he pulls back his helmet to reveal it's Lee Jay. He turns off the torch and inspects his handiwork.

Behind him we see a couple of large intricate sculptures made from different lengths of pipe. They're actually very good.

CAM We going camping?

MICK Good to see you, Dez.

BETH Mick, what're you doing here?

MICK I wanted to talk to you, apologize. I was kind of abrupt this morning.

BETH No, it's fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, free country, right?

MICK I brought you something.

He hands her the case file.

MICK (CONT'D) It's the case file from Lee Jay's arrest. You should know the truth.

BETH You really think this is the place?

MICK Open it.

BETH You know, I'm a little busy right now.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) If I got this right, a stake in the heart paralyzes you. Could make an interesting display for the world to see - maybe put you in one of my new sculptures. Twenty five years in the box I've had a lot of time to think.

MICK Me too.

The two men glare at one another. Is this about to escalate? But, Lee Jay takes a step back --


Lee Jay suddenly HEAD-BUTTS the mirror, smashing it. Then AGAIN. Broken glass and blood splatters both men. Lee Jay bleeds from a HEAD WOUND.

STEVE is covering the action with the Buzzwire cam as people congregate.

LEE JAY The man is crazy.

PARTY GOER Somebody help.

BUZZCAM POV as Steve shoots a couple more party-goers rushing to Lee Jay. Mick exits the bathroom, blood on his shirt.

LEE JAY Please, I don't want any more trouble.

BETH You know what that sounds like? Kind of crazyland.

Mick watches intensely as the Valet pulls up with Julia's car. Lee Jay gets in the passenger side. As they drive away, Mick moves off...

MICK (CONT'D) Trust me.


Who pulls out the G.P.S. tracker with the blinking light showing Julia's location. Behind him...

BETH (calling after him) It was your father's case, right? So why would Lee Jay want to set you up?

No response from Mick.

EILEEN I went to the police, got a restraining order.

MICK Let me guess, he's ignoring it.

EILEEN He burned it in front of me. You never think the person you love will turn out to be a monster.

MICK No, you don't. (beat) He do that to you?

Mick indicates the fading yellow bruise high on her right cheek. She had tried to hide it with makeup. She nods.


CHYRON: 1983

LEE JAY SPALDING at 20, young, tough prick with a bad attitude moves toward his souped-up Chevy Nova and finds Mick lounging on his car, arms crossed.

LEE JAY Get off my car.

MICK You're Lee Jay right?


Mick's not moving anywhere.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) Get off.

Lee Jay takes a shot at Mick, who slips the punch, hits him three times in the ribs before he knows what happened. Mick grabs his hair and pulls his head down. Face meets knee. Nose explodes. Mick shoves him on the hood.

MICK I'm only going to say this once. If you ever hurt Eileen again, so much as touch a hair on her head, I come back, only next time I'm not so gentle.

Mick pulls Lee Jay face to face.

MICK (CONT'D) Tell me you understand.

LEE JAY I understand.

MICK Good.

Lee Jay looks up as Mick walks off. Realizes a few other BYSTANDERS have witnessed his disgrace. Off Lee Jay, fury growing...



Josef's office, appropriately redressed for the early 1980s. Lots of chrome, black lacquer, Patrick Nagel prints. Duran Duran's "Hungry Like The Wolf" plays on the stereo.

The redhead Freshie moves to Mick and sits on his lap, offering him her neck and shoulder. Mick distends his fangs, bites down brutally and takes a long drink barely retaining control. Josef does the same to the blonde. A hideous sight.

BETH That's the weird thing. I've been Google-ing and his father wasn't a cop. Or a P.I. I can't find any record of him at all.

BETH Lee Jay's arresting officer, Bobby Desmond.


Beth sits with Desmond. They drink tea.

BETH So you never thought Eileen's shooting was a suicide either?

DESMOND Why hire someone to protect you if you're planning to kill yourself anyway?

BETH Eileen's blood was on Lee Jay when you found him.

DESMOND Yeah, Lee Jay sid she shot herself in front of him. Forensics couldn't verify the blood spatter after Mick apprehended him. I guess the blood samples got contaminated somehow.

BETHH I hear Lee Jay got beat up pretty badly.

DESMOND Well yeah, Mick did a number on him. The man had an enviably clear sense of right and wrong.

BETH You mean he had a temper.

DESMOND Hey. Lee Jay had it coming. Everyone knew that.

No way Desmond is ever going to say anything bad about Mick. He's smiling at the memories.

BETH Like father, like son.


BETH His son has a temper, too.

DESMOND Who does?

BETH His son. Mick... junior, I guess. He's obsessed with Lee Jay just like his dad.

DESMOND No, no, no. Mick never had a son. Never even married. Guys like us, the work is our family.

BETH No. Mick had a son. I know him.

DESMOND Darlin', I've known Mick St. John for over thirty-five years and I'm telling you, there's no son. The man is one of a kind. Ask him yourself.

BETHH He's still alive?!

DESMOND And kickin'. He was just here the other day all riled up about Lee Jay getting out.

Off Beth -- Huh?!

JOSEF Though on the positive side, in 25 years you could probably get a book deal.

Mick scowls again.

JOSEF (CONT'D) You're way off your game, pal.

MICK He had 25 years to plan his next move. You wouldn't have seen it coming either.

JOSEF That's not even what I meant. (then) Why didn't you just kill him, Mick? Why didn't you take him out?

MICK With Lee Jay alive there's at least the chance the truth will come out.

JOSEF You're sure that's it. It's not that you're afraid what some blonde reporter might think of you if you'd given the guy what he deserves.

MICK Look, I got a chance here to erase a regret.

JOSEF I really don't see how. (then) You're going to have to split, you know that. New town, new identity. I know a guy who does relocations. Works with a lot of vamps.

MICK I leave and more people will die. I'm not going.


It's Mick.

JOSH (CONT'D) You're Mick St. John.

Mick thinks about lying. Doesn't.

MICK Is Beth here?


He starts to shut the door as WHAP. Mick stops it with his foot. Surprisingly solid.

Beth appears behind Josh, having heard Mick at the door. Mick pushes past Josh.

BETH Then why did you run? Why didn't you stay there, say what happened? Tell the police?

He looks at her.

MICK (VO) Because I'm a vampire. (different emphasis) Because I'm a vampire. (different emphasis) Because I'm a vampire. (then) There is no good way to say it.

MICK I didn't do anything. He came to my place...

JOSH And what? Shot himself?

Meant rhetorically, but...

BETH That's what Lee Jay does.

Her calm certainly settles her boyfriend.

BETH (CONT'D) He staged murders before, Josh. It's all in the police files. See for yourself.

She's saying it to Josh, but she's locking eyes with Mick. Josh moves off to look at the file, giving them some space.

BETH (CONT'D) I really need to know you're telling me the truth.

MICK I am. You know I am.

BETH Because if you're not... (then) What do you want me to do?

MICK Just put the facts up for everyone to see. The case files. (then) You want to thank me for saving your life, trust me now.

She looks into Mick's eyes. It looks like she does.

BETH We can do better than the case files.

Off Beth, with a plan. As she grabs a VIDEOCAM...

MICK (V.O.) That picture was from 1950, back before I became a vampire. When film could still capture my image.

STEVE Where does she come up with this stuff?


Cam and the other cons watching.

CAM Not looking forward to telling Lee Jay about this.

As they watch, grimacing...


Beth sits with her laptop, going through the flood of emails pouring into her mailbox.

JOSH I can't believe how many media outlets have picked this story up.

BETH Buzzwire's got the biggest syndicated feed on the net.

JOSH So what's next, though?

MICK I think it's his move.

She looks up to where Mick sits on the counter. He doesn't seem concerned.


Beth still holds the phone as Lee Jay rails..


LEE JAY Put him on.

BETH What do you mean?

LEE JAY Put him on!

She hands Mick the phone, then moves to the wireless base station where she picks up the receiver. Listening in as...

MICK What do you want?

LEE JAY Watch your tone with me.

MICK (same inflection) What do you want?

Lee Jay loses it now. Beth is listening in as...

LEE JAY You do not talk to me that way! You hear?! You forget who you're talking to! I know what you are! Mick!

A silence. Lee Jay settles.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) I saw your newscast, very convincing for a professional liar. Now here's what I want. I want you out of my life. I want you to go to the nearest police station, and turn yourself in.

MICK I didn't do anything. I'm not going to say I did.

The two men turn toward Beth, standing at the base station where she has recorded the conversation.

BETH (to Josh) You're in the D.A.'s office. There must be some way.

Four eyes on Josh as he thinks.

JOSH I've got a friend in public affairs. Maybe I can get him to issue some kind of statement, that Mick is in custody, being arraigned.

MICK Thank you.

MICK No one wants to believe there are monsters like Lee Jay right around us.

BETH You did.

Before the conversation goes any further, Mick pulls the tracker from his pocket.

MICK Want to navigate?

She nods.

MICK (CONT'D) I think we might have a way to find her.

BETH (CONT'D) Mick. What did he mean?

MICK I don't know.

BETH I don't believe you. Did you know him from somewhere?

MICK How about we get Julia first?

BETH How about you finally answer a question instead of evading, or disappearing.

Mick checks his watch.

MICK Hour's almost up.

BETH Like that.

MICK We all have secrets, Beth. And that's not evading.

She looks at him a long beat, then...

BETH It's strange. In a way I don't quite get you and in another way I feel like I've known you forever.

Finally she looks away, at the GPS and...

BETH (CONT'D) Okay. Stop stop stop. Here.

They've pulled up outside a ND INDUSTRIAL BUILDING sheathed in rotting corrugated siding.

THEIR POV. Metalworking SPARKS from an acetylene torch are visible through a break in the large sliding door.

MICK I'm going in. (beat) Open the glove box.

She does and pulls out an automatic pistol.

MICK (CONT'D) Know how to use that?

Beth takes the gun and expertly loads a clip. Off Mick's look...

BETH My dad's a Republican.

MICK Remember what I said.

BETH (rolls eyes) Call the cops if you're not out in ten minutes. And don't come inside. I got it. I got it.

He gives her one last look, turns and walks away.

BETH (CONT'D) How come the girl always has to stay in the car?


OVER a figure, crouching at the side of Julia's car, cutting the fender off with an acetylene torch. Wearing a WELDER'S MASK.

Mick approaches stealthily from behind him, then...

The man turns toward Mick. Acetylene torch flaring! Then...

The man points the torch down, pulls the mask up. He's an OLDER GUY we haven't seen before.

OLDER GUY Who are you?

MICK Where'd you get this car?

OLDER GUY What's it to you? I bought it from a guy down the street.

MICK Tell me where he is.

Off Mick, glaring...


Beth watches Mick through the open door, itching to be with him. Curious. Watching as he moves off now, out of sight.


Mick approaches the building and in a few mindblowing parkeour-like moves, makes his way all the way up to the second story.


Beth looks around, trying to locate him. She goes wide-eyed now as she spots him...


Mick high above her on the roof. How did he get there so fast?

Julia's eyes go wide. Mick puts his fingers to his lips and breaks her flex cuffs. He is helping her up when:

LEE JAY Don't believe everything you see on T.V.

Mick turns to see Lee Jay standing there holding a LIT ACETYLENE TORCH in one hand, a SHOTGUN in the other.


Mick pushes Julia toward the door and DIVES in the opposite direction.

Lee Jay follows Mick with the shotgun. He FIRES, winging Mick.


Beth hears the shotgun blast and is up and out of the car; she sees Julia running toward her. Beth clicks off the safety to her gun and pulls out her cell phone. Running towards the metal shop, Beth presses her cell phone into Julia's hand.

BETH Call the police.

And Beth is off again.


Mick is bent over holding his arm.

LEE JAY Silver buckshot. Had to special order it.

He fires a second blast that hits Mick in the chest. Putting him down.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) Correct me if I'm wrong, but silver's like poison to you.

He tosses the shotgun aside.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) Only thing more deadly to a vampire -- fire.

Lee Jay drops the empty shotgun and CRANKS UP THE FLAME on the acetylene torch to maximum. He moves toward Mick. Mick, still feeling the effects of the silver buckshot, barely dodges a TONGUE OF FLAME.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) But you know what Mick? I think I still suffered worse.

Beth, unseen by either man, enters the room as Lee Jay unleashes another tongue of flame.

LEE JAY (CONT'D) I admit. Part of me wants to know what it's like. To live forever. Powerful. What do you think?

Mick summons his last strength to say...

MICK Never going to happen. The last thing the world needs is an eternal you.

Lee Jay unleashes the flame full bore now as...


ANOTHER VOLLEY OF FLAME CATCHES MICK'S COAT ON FIRE. Mick is forced to fall to the ground, attempting to extinguish the flames, threatening to engulf him.

Lee Jay moves in to deliver the fiery deathblow. As Lee Jay stands over Mick...

Beth sees a totemic image of Mick on the ground, an assailant standing over him, and we--



--a nearly identical tableau of Mick on the ground, Coraline standing over him.


Beth brings her gun up --

Lee Jay is about to blast Mick with fire --

Beth shoots --

Lee Jay goes down, shot in the NECK --

The torch sputters out on the ground --

Beth rushes forward, gun still trained on Lee Jay, who lies dead on the ground.

We hear the sounds of APPROACHING SIRENS in the background.

Beth rushes to Mick, sees his wounds. Gasps.

MICK I thought I told you to wait outside.

Mick looks up at her and their eyes lock. His face is bloody and blackened with soot.

Behind them, policemen burst in --


MUSIC UP over a SERIES OF IMAGES as the sun rises in the B.G.


Mick is bleeding from the silver buckshot wounds and getting weaker by the moment. He pushes into his apartment, leaves the door ajar. He's carrying something, concealing it in his arms.


Mick in vampire mode, due to loss of blood and his now aching hunger. He drops the blood bags he's carrying on the table. Picks one back up - he's pretty weak. He drinks a little, which runs down his chin. He hears a noise behind him and knows who it is.

It's Beth. Entering. She steps toward him. He doesn't turn.

BETH You ran off again. One second you were there and then you were gone and I just have to know...

Mick, still in vampire mode, a little blood on his mouth, remains with his back to her.

MICK Please leave.

BETH Not without answers. Not this time. I've been dreaming about you. Why?

Beth walks around to face him and sees the answer to her question. She stares at him horrified.


Blood dribbling down his face.

MICK Don't... look at me.

BETH Oh my God, what are you?

MICK I'm a vampire.

Beth's hand goes to her mouth as she backs toward the door in shock--

(source Moonlightguide.net)

Kikavu ?

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19.05.2019 vers 14h

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